Callyn Saylor
PR/Marketing Intern

Hey there! I’m Callyn Saylor, currently in my senior year at American University in DC. Originally from Fairfax, Virginia, I made the move to DC to pursue a major in Sociology and Public Health, and a minor in Education. As a chair member of American University’s EagleTHON, I’m deeply involved in fundraising efforts for The Children’s National Hospital.  Last summer, I had the opportunity to serve with Americorp in Denver, focusing on energy and water issues. It was a fulfilling experience in the nonprofit sector, further fueling my passion for community service and fundraising.  I’m thrilled to have joined Chaffee County Habitat for Humanity, where I can continue to make a positive impact and work towards meaningful change in my community. I have enjoyed hiking with my dog Indy and spending time with friends.

I am excited to further Habitat for Humanity’s mission and to support Chaffee County this summer through the PR and Marketing internship. I can’t wait to spend a wonderful summer in Chaffee County and help organize and promote a fantastic Mac and Cheese featuring any pasta event!

Sydney Aandal
PR/Marketing Intern

Hello! I’m Sydney Aandal, a rising senior at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University in Saint Joseph, Minnesota. I am majoring in Peace Studies with a concentration in Global Health Equity, along with minors in Hispanic Studies and Communication. I am very passionate in fostering sustainable justice and spreading God’s love, making my involvement with CCHfH incredibly fulfilling. The short-term move to Colorado has been an amazing experience, as I thrive on pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and experiencing different cultures. This past academic year, I had the opportunity to experience transformative semesters in Chile and South Africa. These semesters abroad allowed me to grow in many ways and introduced me to beautiful parts of the world. While abroad, I engaged in community service, volunteering in homeless provision programs and underprivileged schools, which has deeply enriched my understanding of how important local service is for the community. I have a strong love for the outdoors, which makes BV the best place to be! When I am not working, I plan to be hiking or running in the mountains, and spending time in town, most likely at all of the coffee shops! I also enjoy reading and listening to music, so the relaxed atmosphere here is perfect for down time. I am hoping for an amazing summer, and I am very excited to take on the role of the PR and Marketing intern for CCHfH! I am eager to grow in my fundraising skills to make the ‘Anything Pasta’ fundraiser a success and make a difference in Chaffee County.